lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Class 9. Tuesday 02/06


This week we were playing lots of games to revise our vocabulary on the topic Food.

You made beautiful pictures with the food you like and don´t like:
I like ice cream, but I don´t like bananas.

We also practised talking to each other and making short dialogues:
I like hamburgers. And you? Do you like hamburgers?

Watch these episodes from Peppa Pig about Food:
Episode 1 - Lunch
Episode 2 - Fruit

The second part of the class we were rehearsing our play.

Next class 9/06 we´re having a small test, so revise the material we´ve learnt.

And on 16th June - we´re going to show our small performance, so get the costumes and learn your roles!

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